Tag Archives: Faith

Faith and Possibility

Well I guess it is only 11pm, but I am still tired. I guess the weekend caught up with me finally. All I really did today was go to Tai Chi at 9am, come home, help my parents take a load of stuff from the garage to Luke and Rachael’s new place, after which I took a nap.

Well, ok, before that nap I had an hour long phone meeting with Gigi, my editor and kindred spirit at FeelGoodNow Inc, my new employer. We worked out some of the kinks in my first piece which should be hitting their website soon (I’m submitting the semi-final draft tomorrow afternoon).

Then I slept for about two and a half hours.

After that I helped my parents cook dinner and then watched the movie Salmon Fishing in the Yemen with them. I’d been telling them to watch it since I watched it my aunt and uncle weeks ago. I’ve already written a post about it, so I won’t subject you to a repeat, but I will just say that the themes of the movie are faith and possibility.

Those two words are pretty much the key to my life at the moment. I don’t truly know in what I am putting my faith since I can’t really nail my spirituality down to a specific religion at this point, but I know that I have faith that the universe will continue to open the doors through which I am meant to walk as long as I continue along the path of wellness. That’s where the word “opportunity” comes in. I think in the past I have turned down opportunities, either because I was afraid of what might happen if I succeeded, or because I have truly felt that I was incapable, untrustworthy, or just plain too lazy to take advantage of the things that have come my way.

Because of this, I have “missed the boat” as they say, in many situations in my life. But it has not been till now that I have really been both forced and blessed to live in a situation where opportunities seem to be continuing to open ahead of me and at the same time not knowing which ones to take and how to take advantage of what is coming my way.

The path I am walking, committed fully to wellness, means that some things are just flat out unfeasible. And yet, it was, in the words of Ewan McGregor in Salmon Fishing in the Yemen, “unfeasible” to start try to bring salmon fishing to a desert. And yet it happened.

So I think right now the most important thing for me is to just be open to the possibilities life brings me. And to recognize that these opportunities might not always seem like good things. Occasionally they might seem awful. But I must continue to hold my intention to be well in all aspects of my being and to follow my Wellness Quest wherever it may lead me.

Thanks for following along with my journey,

Peace to you and yours this night, and may your day ahead be full of possibility,


Connection and Compassion

Cover of "The Keys of the Kingdom"

Cover of The Keys of the Kingdom

I wish I had some really cool insight or story to tell you about today. But it really just seemed like a pretty normal, uncomplicated day. I got up this morning and went through my normal routine. The rest of the day was pretty much uneventful.

The only thing I can think of to talk about is how to deal with life when it seems the same, day after day. Fortunately for me, each day (although similar) doesn’t feel exactly the same as the one before, or else I would probably be getting pretty bored. But I keep finding things to do, things to think about, ways to exercise my body, mind, and spirit.

One thing that I have been doing a lot of is reading. Now, those of you who know me can attest that this isn’t new. I’ve always liked to read since I was a little boy. As a child I asked an adult (I can’t remember who) if there was a job where I could be paid to read and talk about books. I said that if there was, that was what I wanted to do. The adult came back with a placating response, something along the lines of, “well honey, there are lots of jobs where you get to read, just make sure you go to college”.

So I did. And I studied English. But I found out during my time at the university that I also liked to write. And I soon switched my major from standard English to Creative Writing (a subset of the English major which basically just includes more…you guessed it: creative writing).

Anyway, that’s a tangent. I’m trying to keep these posts more concise.

What I wanted to talk about is how I used the idea of reading and writing to make today a different day. I’ve been toying with making some additions to this blog. One of them, which you can already see, is the Book Club page. Right now, there isn’t anything on it except a couple of book titles. But soon, you will be able to use it to find the book of the week, and, in addition that you will find links and embedded videos with me reviewing each book. Of course, I have to read them first. So to start there will only be a single video on there.

Today, I started making the first video, which is my review of a book my uncle Richard recommended to me called Keys of the Kingdom. Written by AJ Cronin in the 1940’s, it documents the life of a Scottish Catholic Priest, Father Chisolm, who ends up in a remote mission in China. It has all kinds of drama from death and suicide and illegitimate birth to conversion, redemption, loss and restoration of faith, plague, war, intrigue and church politics. Cross-cultural relations also play a significant role.

But the reason I decided to make this book my first “review” for the Wellness Quest is that the main character has an enormous compassion for the men and women around him. So much so that he often ends up getting the short end of the stick. He is kind, gentle, and humble to a fault. But he doesn’t appear as a caricature of a priest. No, instead his character is deep, real, and true to life. He has doubts, but he overcomes them. He questions dogma, and preaches love. In short, if Jesus Christ were walking the earth today, I believe he would want to hang out with men like Father Francis Chisolm.

So I chose this book because its themes resonated with me and with the journey I am on. I was raised in a protestant Christian home. But after about age 16 I lost touch with the church I was brought up in for many reasons. Probably the biggest was that it was inconvenient. Christianity has so many rules, and I, as a teenager, had a natural aversion to rules. There were also some glaring inconsistencies and hypocrisies that were evident in the church I went to. I felt alienated and I just wanted out. So once for a while I lived a double life, pretending to still be a Christian on Sundays and in my parent’s home. But as soon as I was out with my friends or on my own, I became someone different. At that time, I didn’t know how to tell my parents that I didn’t believe in god. Because at that point in my life, I really didn’t. Or, I suppose, I didn’t care if there was a god or not, because, I thought, if there was one, he was doing a pretty bad job at taking care of things on earth.

The point is, for the last 5-6 years as I have been walking through my nightmare of illness, addiction, depression and demoralization, I have found that my spiritual beliefs have altered significantly. I may not believe in a traditional “man up in the sky with a great big beard”, the sort of celestial santa claus trope. Instead, at this moment, I believe in a universal energy source from which flows the foundation of all life on our planet and throughout the cosmos. I believe that that source is connected to us all, and that we can communicate with each other and with that source, should we choose to. And most of all, I believe that most religions are a means to that end – namely, that religions have attempted to create a path that will lead its followers into communion with the source. It doesn’t matter that the many world religions call this source a hundred different names. What matters is that they are trying to help people find that connection. I see them all as brothers and sisters, trying to achieve the same thing through different methods.

When I look at religion in that light, it is hard for me to be critical of any of them. In my belief, they are all on the same track, and it is only when individual religions become too extreme and believe that their individual path is the only correct one, and use that belief to justify the extermination of people who have different paths that religions create problems. But that is the difference between a believer and a zealot. While faith is good, blind, dogmatic faith can become dangerous.

That brings me back to Father Chisolm in Keys of the Kingdom. His faith was pure, because he constantly questioned himself and he consistently showed the same compassion for protestants and even followers of Confucius as he did for his fellow Catholics.

What I think best describes him though, was his actions as his friend, an atheist doctor, lays dying of the plague in a makeshift hospital deep in the interior of China. He stays by his friend’s side and at the end, when a nun who works with him at the mission asks him why he didn’t perform the last rights so that his friend might possibly still be saved instead of going straight to hell, he responds that if God didn’t take into account the life that this man lived, where he was constantly helping others just because he didn’t say a few words and sit under a church roof on Sundays.. well, if that was the case, he didn’t think that kind of God had much going for him.

At first the nun was horrified at his heresy, but as they worked together more and more, she realized that his sincerity and compassion made him love everyone despite their beliefs.

And that, my friends, family, and those who I don’t yet know…that is who I want to be.

